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log_format #host# '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" ' '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" ' '"$http_user_agent" $http_x_forwarded_for'; server { listen 80; server_name #host#; root #hosts#/#host#/html; index index.html index.htm index.php default.html default.htm default.php; location / { autoindex on; } error_page 404 /404.html; # pass the PHP scripts to FastCGI server listening on #注意这一句 location ~ ^(.+\.php)(.*)$ { fastcgi_pass; fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name; include fastcgi_params; } # redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html access_log #hosts#/#host#/log/#host#.log #host#; } |
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#/bin/sh hosts="/var/www/html" #主机总目录 default="/etc/nginx/default.conf" #default.conf位置 vhost="/etc/nginx/vhost" #虚拟主机配置文件目录 echo "1.add ftp user" echo "please input websit:" read host if [ -d "$hosts/$host" ] then echo $hosts/$host echo '[warning]dir is already exists!' exit 0 fi echo "add user,please input user name:" read name del -r $name >/dev/null 2>&1 adduser -d $hosts/$host -g ftp -s /sbin/nologin $name passwd $name chmod 755 $hosts/$host mkdir -p $hosts/$host/html $hosts/$host/bak $hosts/$host/log mkdir -p $hosts/$host/bak/code $hosts/$host/bak/sql echo "mkdir:"$hosts/$host/html $hosts/$host/bak $hosts/$host/log echo "mkdir:"$hosts/$host/bak/code $hosts/$host/bak/sql chown -R $name:ftp $hosts/$host echo "ok,add user success!name=$name,password=youwrite" echo "If you need a database, please enter a database name, if not required, blank can be" read database if [ -n "$database" ] then echo "please input dbuser" read dbuser echo "please input dbpwd" read dbpwd HOSTNAME="" PORT="3306" USERNAME="root" echo "input root pwd" read PASSWORD fi echo "2.To configure nginx" cat $default | sed -e "s:#hosts#:${hosts}:g"|sed -e "s/#host#/${host}/g" > $vhost/$host.conf /usr/sbin/nginx -s reload echo "config nginx success" if [ -z "$database" ] then echo 'ok,finish!' exit 0 fi echo "3.add mysql user database" create_db_sql="insert into mysql.user(Host,User,Password) values('localhost','${dbuser}',password('${dbpwd}'))" mysql -h${HOSTNAME} -P${PORT} -u${USERNAME} -p${PASSWORD} -e "{create_db_sql}" if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo 'add db user error' exit 0 fi sleep 1 create_db_sql="create database IF NOT EXISTS ${database}" mysql -h${HOSTNAME} -P${PORT} -u${USERNAME} -p${PASSWORD} -e "{create_db_sql}" if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo 'add db error' exit 0 fi sleep 1 create_db_sql="flush privileges" mysql -h${HOSTNAME} -P${PORT} -u${USERNAME} -p${PASSWORD} -e "{create_db_sql}" create_db_sql="grant all on ${database}.* to ${dbuser}@localhost identified by '${dbpwd}'" mysql -h${HOSTNAME} -P${PORT} -u${USERNAME} -p${PASSWORD} -e "${create_db_sql}" if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo 'user to db user error' echo $create_db_sql exit 0 fi create_db_sql="flush privileges" mysql -h${HOSTNAME} -P${PORT} -u${USERNAME} -p${PASSWORD} -e "{create_db_sql}" echo 'ok,finish!' |
看一下运行效果,sh host.sh
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[root@localhost nginx]# sh 2.sh 1.add ftp user please input websit: hhh.com add user,please input user name: hhh 更改用户 hhh 的密码 。 新的 密码: 无效的密码: WAY 过短 无效的密码: 是回文 重新输入新的 密码: passwd: 所有的身份验证令牌已经成功更新。 mkdir:/var/www/html/hhh.com/html /var/www/html/hhh.com/bak /var/www/html/hhh.com/log mkdir:/var/www/html/hhh.com/bak/code /var/www/html/hhh.com/bak/sql ok,add user success!name=hhh,password=youwrite If you need a database, please enter a database name, if not required, blank can be hhh please input dbuser hhh please input dbpwd hhh input root pwd 123456 2.To configure nginx config nginx success 3.add mysql user database ok,finish! [root@localhost nginx]# |